
The Refugees Seeking Safety simulation was first developed as a project in a Fall 2014 freshman social justice course at Cabrini College after a summer when an unusually large number of unaccompanied minors were fleeing to the United States.

The Cabrini students presented the simulation in three public settings, one at Cabrini Day in the fall and the other at Founder’s Day in the spring, both mission-focused opportunities for campus-wide education. Some members of the class joined the CRS Ambassador program and collaborated with their fellow Ambassadors to expand the program to the one you see here, which was developed for the 10th Anniversary celebration of the Cabrini College-Catholic Relief Services Partnership on April 14, 2015. A grant from CRS and the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities supported the public presentation and website development.

The simulation was also presented in a number of other settings and also adapted by a number of CRS Ambassadors chapters around the country. We hope that the simulation will continue to be used by other campuses and groups.

Many students collaborated to develop the simulation. Those who worked to develop this website are Katie Briante, Mackenzie Harris, Emily Janny, Anna Laquintano, Marissa Roberto, and Ashley Sierzega. Please email questions, comments and broken links to cabrinicomdept@gmail.com.


This is one of a series of simulations created by students at Cabrini University about important issues of global justice.

Creative Commons License
Refugees Seeking Safety by Cabrini University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.