
A person is stationed at the entrance to the advocacy section and directs participants to the first table. Here, the participants are given a bracelet or some remembrance of the event and card with URLs to resources on refugees. They are then directed to the first table.
  • Table 1
    • The person managing the table will ask how the whole experience was. Then they will proceed to ask the participants if they would sign the poster “I Understand What it Means to be a Refugee Seeking Safety” to validate that they understand the simulation. They then tell them that to find out more information on the topic, they can visit the links that are on the card. Then they direct them to the 2nd and 3rd tables.
Participants have an opportunity to write to elected representatives their thoughts about the treatment of migrants.
  • Table 2 and 3
    • At these tables there will be letters to congress for people to read over and write their suggestions, feelings or opinions on the topic in a comment section. These letters will be filled out with the participant’s address on the bottom so the group knows which congressmen to give it to. Also at these tables there will be extra bracelets scattered around as well as pictures of refugees and people lobbying for them around the table. Remember in the end to thank them for coming and send them off to the exit.

There is no official script because this is a station mostly for questions so here are few talking points to be familiar with.

Talking Points for the Tables

Write to Congress

  • We urge you to reach out to Congress so they can help make a difference with the violence, lack of opportunity and desire to reunite with families in the United States. There are a number of organizations that advocate for more just laws to assist refugees.
    • One is Jesuit Refugee Service. The link to their advocacy page is here.
    • Another is the International Rescue Committee. Their advocacy link.
    • Both sites
      • ask for your name and address and route your message to the proper lawmaker.
      • Include a comment section for people to add their own thoughts on the matter
  • Educate yourself more on the issue. In addition to links on the LEARN page, Catholic Relief Services has a handout with links to resources..
    • Become more informed with the issues around the world
    • Stay informed with the issue and how CRS is working with the people to find a better way to live
    • Open your eyes
  • You might also consider
    • Donating.
      • Why give money?
        • Organizations like CRS are going to use the donations to keep funding in the programs they have in place ..resources, staff …92% of it goes to programs oversees
        • protect the future generations
      • Online / Mail
        • You can donate once or regularly, you can donate small or large amount, anything helps and is greatly appreciated
        • After your journey, send donations to: Catholic Relief Services P.O. Box 5200, Harlan, IA 51593-0700 or donate online.